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Your Friends Might Be Your Biggest Obstacle...

I spend a lot of time talking about how your environment and daily habits can catapult your success or be the things that hold you back.

Ultimately, you have a choice.

I want to talk (write) about the elephant in the room: the people you surround yourself with.

Your social circle can be your biggest cheerleader or your toughest critic. We all want supportive friends, but the reality is, many of us are surrounded by people who aren’t always encouraging when we are trying to make healthy changes.

Maybe they want you to partake in the very behaviors you are trying to change with them?

Does this sound familiar at all in your life?

Drink pushers? Food pushers?

"C'mon, it's just ONE!"

"You can have this, you need to have balance!"

"Oh don't be BORING!"

Ugh, that can be stressful.

It's easy to feel isolated or judged when you're trying to make positive changes. It's hard enough to make change on your own, not to mention when you don't feel supported, or even worse, that maybe your "friends" are trying to sabotage you.

Guess what?

Their reactions are not about you.

They are about THEM.

They are projecting their own insecurities and challenges on YOU. Which is not fair. And although that sucks to be in that place, that is NOT your weight to carry. You've got your own goals, plans, and desires.

So what do you do?

This is something I go hard on in my 1:1 coaching program if this is something that my clients struggle with.

And spoiler alert: most do.

The answer is too in depth and nuanced for a single blog post, but I LOVE talking about this stuff because when we learn to confidently navigate this stuff, it's LIFE CHANGING!

It’s important to have boundaries when you set goals.

What type of friction are you willing to endure? Only you can answer that but

 If your health is a priority, you deserve to make choices that support your well-being without feeling guilty or pressured.

It’s okay to say no to unhealthy temptations or to politely decline social events that don’t align with your goals.

Typin' it again...

It’s okay to say no to unhealthy temptations or to politely decline social events that don’t align with your goals.

Building a supportive network might mean spending less time with certain people and investing more energy into relationships that uplift you. It’s not about abandoning old friends, but about creating a balance that serves this season of life.

Also, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! You have no idea how many people are navigating similar challenges. I talk to numerous people every week that have these same challenges. You may be surprised how people gravitate towards you when you stick to your guns and don't let other people's pressure shake you. What I know is, there's a better life out there for you waiting to be lived but you have to learn to navigate these situations before you can get there. ❤️

Ready to ditch the diets and create a healthy lifestyle that actually fits you? Schedule your FREE Discovery Call today! In just 30 minutes, we'll chat about your goals and explore how I can help you achieve them.

Spots are limited for personalized coaching, so don't wait!​ You can also learn more about my 1:1 coaching program here.

Truly, I want to see you succeed. I want to see you surround yourself with people who support you, challenge you, and make you better. ​


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