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The Science Behind Getting Stronger: Progressive Overload

Do you ever wonder how some gym goers seem to gain strength, lose weight or get that beautiful physique so rapidly?

Have you been chasing that toned look but not seeing the results you want?

Are you curious about how to get started in strength training and get more bang for your buck to get the best results?

Surprisingly, the answer doesn't lie in lifting the heaviest weights or endless hours of exercise. The secret weapon for building muscle is a scientific concept called progressive overload.

If you want to do this right, break through plateaus and build serious strength and that tone look you're after, you need to make sure you are following the principle of progressive overload with your strength training program.

What is progressive overload?

Progressive overload is when we gradually increasing the demands on your muscles which forces them to adapt and grow stronger over time. It's the cornerstone of building strength and achieving your ideal physique. By gradually increasing the demands on your muscles, you force them to adapt and grow stronger over time.

Imagine climbing a mountain.

Each step takes you a little higher, eventually leading you to the summit. You couldn’t jump from the bottom to the top, you have to take it one step at a time right? When you’re at the bottom, the top of the mountain seems so far away and probably unattainable.

If you take it one step at a time, it gradually gets steeper bit by bit. The steps can be challenging, but they are doable because you are putting one foot in front of the other and pushing yourself a little harder as it gets steeper.

This is progressive overload.

It's a gradual increase in the stress placed on your muscles over time, forcing them to adapt and grow stronger. This doesn't mean going all-out every workout; it's about consistently pushing yourself a little further than you did before.

Why is it Important Here's the truth: your muscles get comfortable! If you keep doing the same exercises with the same weight for weeks on end, your body plateaus. Progressive overload breaks this plateau by constantly challenging your muscles.

This leads to: Improved Muscle Growth: By stressing your muscles in new ways, you stimulate them to grow stronger and bigger. And no, that doesn’t not mean you will get bigger. Especially when you are focusing on the nutritional changes we are making through coaching. This helps you build that physique that you want.

Enhanced Performance: Whether your goal is to be generally healthier, you want to lift heavier, or simply to feel more confident in your skin and love what you see in the mirror, progressive overload helps you reach your full potential.

Increased Strength: As you progressively overload, your muscles become better equipped to handle the demands placed upon them which means you get stronger.

The Progressive Overload Toolbox: How to Overload Like a Pro

There are several ways to progressively overload your workouts. Here are a few ways you and ensure you will progress:

Increase Weight: This is the most common method. As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight you lift for a particular exercise. Start with a weight you can safely perform with control the desired number of repetitions (reps). As you get more comfortable with performing the movement, you can work to increase the amount of weight you are using.

Increase Reps: Once you can comfortably perform the desired reps with a specific weight, bump up the reps (maybe 2-3 more) until you are challenging yourself as your muscles are getting stronger.

Time Under Tension (TUT): This refers to the amount of time your muscles are under stress during an exercise. You can slow down your reps (controlled descent and lift) to increase TUT. This is a great option if you are limited on the weights you have at your disposal or if you are working around an injury where using more weight could be detrimental. Check your ego at the door because when you sloooow things down it can get very challenging even if the weight is “lighter”.

Form Improvement: Perfecting your form ensures you're targeting the right muscles and minimizing injury risk. As you get stronger, focus on refining your technique for even better results. This is one of the best ways to progress movements as a beginner. I

Remember, consistency is key along with staying injury free. Don't jump straight to heavy weights or excessive reps. Start light, focus on proper form, and gradually increase the challenge based on your body's feedback.

Watch Out for: The "Forever Beginner," Trap

Some workout programs get it wrong. They prescribe the same exact reps week after week, leaving you stuck in a fitness rut. This is why progressive overload is crucial. By not continually challenging your muscles with increasing demands, you won't see the results you are after.

Do You Constantly Like to Change it Up? Why Random Workouts Don't Build Lasting Strength

While random workouts might seem like a fun way to mix things up, they can hinder your long-term progress.

Here's why:

Lack of Targeted Focus: Without focusing on specific movement patterns for a period, it's difficult to master proper form and progressively overload those muscles effectively. You might be working different areas each time, but never truly challenging them to grow stronger.

Missed Gains: When you constantly switch exercises, you don't give your muscles enough time to adapt and reach their full potential. Remember, progressive overload is all about stacking progress on top of progress. Each workout builds on the strength you've already gained, pushing you to new heights. If your workouts are random, so to will be your results. Increased Injury Risk: Learning new exercises takes time and proper instruction. Random workouts can lead to rushing through movements and compromising form, which increases your risk of injury.

The Strength of Structure: Why a Program Focused on Progressive Overload Works

When you follow a training cycle focused on core movement patterns, it allows you to:

Master the Movements: By repeating exercises over a period, you can perfect your form and ensure you're targeting the right muscles with each rep. This creates a strong foundation for progressive overload.

Track Your Progress: When you perform the same movements throughout a cycle, it's easier to see how much stronger you've become. You can measure progress by increasing weight, reps, sets, or time under tension.

Build Confidence: As you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercises, your confidence will increase. This mental boost translates to better performance and a more enjoyable workout experience.

Progressive overload is your roadmap to strength training success. By incorporating these principles into structured workouts, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

Remember, it's a journey – enjoy the process, embrace the challenges, and witness your strength soar!

Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to finding the right strength program for your goals?

Do you feel clueless as to what to do when you walk into the gym?

I provide customized strength training in my exclusive personalized coaching program along with a nutrition focus, and other healthy lifestyle habits.

If you're not seeing the results you want to see, I'd love to chat and see if I can help you! Check out more information and book a call with me to see if we'd be a fit!


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